Databases are precious things; lists of past, present and future clients. But are they given the attention they deserve and, frankly, need? 

Has yours been cleaned regularly?

Have you gone through them yourself and checked?

Or have you assumed that the latest intern or newest marketing assistant doing the inputting made no mistakes? No offence meant to all the interns and assistant marketing graduates out there! We are on your side: this is an important role and needs to receive the credit, importance and support it needs.

notebook on laptop

Does your team systematically ‘housekeep’ after sending out a bulk email?

For example, was it sent to a highly segmented list, or did you decide to send it to every contact, regardless of their interest group, because it can’t hurt? Right?


Hard bounce, soft bounce, open rates, click-through rates, attribution and other buzzwords leave you baffled or worried? Then chances are your database could be dirtier than you think. 

We cover all these points and more when conducting Onboarding.

Cleaning it is not a one-time fix.

Instead, your database needs to be nurtured and cared for continually. The longer you leave it to start, the more damage to your digital reputation and the longer your marketing efforts will be negatively affected.

Keeping a database clean and up-to-date takes time and effort. Never mind ensuring it complies with all the relevant GDPR laws. 

But a clean database can reap big rewards; you can systematically market to the right people, for the right reasons, with the right offer, at the right time. It is pure and effective direct marketing, and it works. 

Audience written on whiteboard with arrows

And when you use an all-in-one platform such as Lead Gen & CRM, you can dramatically increase your digital revenue.

How we can help.

TLS Digital Media are a Gold Partner of Lead Gen & CRM, a complete Sales and Marketing Automation CRM and growth platform.

We are unique because we are users of this technology, not just sellers. We understand the challenges in onboarding. We have practical experience that can overcome resistance from those who are adverse to change.

We have proven real-world examples of how Lead Gen & CRM can increase productivity and sales. We can help you achieve great results with your data. We work with hotels, health clubs, Sales & Marketing organisations, and Finance houses across the USA and Europe.

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