Reporting made easy

Reporting is your opportunity to evaluate your progress in lead generation, media reach, channel goal, etc.

You can assess your performance, identify patterns and trends, and determine areas for improvement.

With our reporting system, you can personalise your reports to include every aspect you require, instead of relying upon uncustomisable templates.

Focus on the following reporting metrics:

Channel traffic

Audience engagement

Goal conversions

Return on investment

Want Personalised Help?

TLS Digital Media are here to help.

We offer initial sessions, either face-to-face or via Zoom, to delve into your requirements.

In our sessions, we will run through your business goals, choose your channels, set up and optimise them and run through best practices. Our team will also recommend the best apps to help you manage and curate your content.

At TLS, we also have packages to manage your social media for you, including creating content, posting and follow-up engagement with your audience.

Please contact us at +33 (0) or at

Check out one of the accounts we managed and grew organically here: