What is SEO and Why Should You Care?

If you work in marketing or sales, you’ll probably have heard the term ‘SEO’ thrown around more times than you can count. So what is SEO, and why is it so essential for growing your business?

SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation. In simple terms, it is a marketing mechanism for increasing your site or social media’s online visibility. In even simpler terms, it’ll get you closer to being on the first page of a Google search result.

At TLS, we specialise in marketing automation solutions and have years of experience in online marketing with several businesses. Here are our top three SEO tips for beginners!

light bulb bright idea

Tip 1: Optimise Your Keywords

Keywords remain an essential part of SEO. However, it’s not enough to have them, they also need to be relevant and consistent.

Keywords refer to terms and phrases that are associated with your business, product, or content and which will drive your brand’s visibility. Ultimately leading to more sales!

Short (or ‘short-tail’) keywords, such as ‘car’, get a high volume of traffic but are less specific. Long (or ‘long-tail’) keywords, such as ‘used red cars’, get a lower volume of traffic but are more specific. 

Google is more likely to list your page if it contains consistent keywords which point to your brand as an authoritative source. You should use a mix of short and long-tail keywords to target different searches. 

Identifying your keywords is key. Think: what words would people use to search for your product or brand in Google if they didn’t know or couldn’t remember your brand’s name? Identify a principle keyword which will encompass your selling point. Remember to use keywords in titles, subtitles and other metadata as well as just your bulk text.

Tip 2: Build Up Your Content

So: you’ve drawn someone onto your social media page or website. The SEO work isn’t over yet! 

If your content relies solely on keywords, it won’t be enough to build a relationship with a potential lead.

You’ll need to spend some time and build a solid foundation underneath your brand. If you’re an online fashion brand for example, you can use different mediums to discuss changes in the fashion industry, blogs about suggested outfits, and much more.

By doing this, you’ll be backing up your keywords with a consistent on-brand message. 

Remember that text isn’t the only way to achieve this. When it comes to formatting your social media content, for example, vary the types of posts you’re sending out. If your main content is pictures, you can add effects, picture slideshows, cropped photos, etc. As long as these are all related to your brand and keywords, they’ll help to boost your SEO.

Keep your messaging consistent and your presentation varied: your SEO will soar and potential customers will be hooked.

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Tip 3: Define Your Goals to Make the Most Out of Your SEO

Since you’ll be putting in lots of work to build your SEO, it’s also essential to know how you’ll be using it.

Tracking metrics, such as website visits and sales made via Google searches, is essential to keep driving your SEO efforts. But when you’re the one in charge and making the calls, you’ll be looking into your results in much more detail.

Define your business goals and you’ll be able to optimise SEO to your successes, points of failures, and conversions. Business goals can look like:

  • Increasing your brand awareness
  • Use of website contact form
  • Reduction in users needing direct support thanks to a better quality website

… and more! 

How TLS Digital Media Can Help

With our years of experience, TLS can help you to set your business goals and guide your SEO tracking. 

We can also offer you a guided Lead Gen & CRM induction, in which we’ll tailor the marketing automation platform to your business’ specific brand and KPIs. 

Lastly, we can help to guide your online and social media marketing strategy to get your SEO up and running. 

Get in touch with us on our website to set up a complimentary 30-minute discovery call!