How Much Content is Too Much?
Step 1: Creating Original Content is the Right Place to Start
When you’re setting up a brand or new business, you can’t get very far without social media. In this day and age, getting your social media message tone right is the key to marketing success.
However, when you’re starting out it can be hard to hit the nail on the head with outreach. Sending too much or too little outreach can put off potential leads and lose you valuable current customers.
Check out some of our top tips below for finding the right balance for your social media marketing outreach.
Adding Value & Educating
Before posting or sending anything to your customers, you should always ask yourself: what value is this adding? What are they gaining from this outreach? What question is this answering?
If the message is not leading them towards a purchase, solving a problem for them, or informing them of something they’ve expressed interest in by following your platform, it might be avoidable.
Your content is part of the strategy to build a relationship with your customers, which enables trust, and leads to a loyal customer base. If the customer can’t rely on your content to add value, they might hit ‘unfollow’ or ‘unsubscribe’.
Avoiding Repetition
Avoid repeating your content!
Obviously, we’re not talking about the annual ‘Happy Birthday’ email here…
If your content is repetitive, including written content, pictures, and videos, you risk losing customers. They might get bored of the content as they won’t recognise any value in it (see above point), or it’ll get lost in the noise of all the other accounts they follow.
Either way, when you’re scheduling content, mix up the themes and images you’re using. If you have to repeat a theme during a month, that’s fine as long as it has a different spin or selling point. But work on amassing your photos and videos, as repeatedly using the same ones is avoidable.
Creating Engaging Content
Put yourself in your customer’s shoes for a minute. When you’re scrolling on TikTok, have you noticed how some videos can hold your attention for nearly a full minute, while others can barely entertain you for 5 seconds, even if they’re on the same topic?
When creating content, you’ll want it to be in the former category, not the latter. As part of developing your marketing strategy, think of how you can make your content more engaging.
It could be related to the format, such as using quizzes, polls, and other methods to force engagement. Or, you could add humour or a trendy video to capture your audience.
Whatever it is, keeping on top of current trends will help you – but be careful to not jump on a trend too late, as your customer base could have already moved on.
Steering Clear of Noise
Lastly, avoid overloading your feed and inboxes.
In this age of constant and instant content, too much outreach or posting could fatigue your customer base. Stay consistent with the frequency of your content, but don’t overdo it.
What this will look like in practice will depend on your business and its specific needs. Are you a large company, a small start-up, is the majority of your customer base on the targeted platform, etc. If you need help finding the answers to these questions, get in touch with us!
Contact Us and Develop Your Strategy
Establishing a social media marketing strategy is the key to getting the outreach balance right, which is something TLS Digital Media can help you with!
Fill out this form on our website and we’ll schedule a 1:1 call with you, to help you develop a personalised marketing strategy via Lead Gen & CRM.
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