At TLS Digital Media, we are here to help you make the most of your digital marketing activities. 

We do this by:

  • knowing who is looking at what on your website
  • alerting you in real-time when they are on the site
  • measuring and segmenting which pages they are focused on

This allows you to pick up or continue the conversation with a complete picture.

We help you track and segment your website visitors. With this enabled, you can:

  • send personalised, curated emails in a timely manner
  • show leads trackable media
  • ensure relevant content is sent for clear followup
  • notify your team in real-time of lead updates.

This ensures you give leads highly focused information when they need it. Each page view gives further insight into their investigation. This leads to more data points being assigned to their contact record. With all this aligned, it allows pre-programmed workflows to trigger, with personalisations to match their interests, page views and fine-tuned segmentation. We do this through the SharpSpring CRM – learn more about its capabilities here!

Content Creation and Getting Noticed

Our team can produce content for your blog, social media channels, website and email campaigns. In addition, we can streamline your current assets to get better engagement and higher ROI for your campaigns and digital marketing efforts.

We will help you stand out in the crowded social and digital media space by helping you decide which social media channels to focus your attention on to meet your business goals better. We will also keep you up to speed on the latest best practice guidelines, which will reduce time wasted on inefficient and outdated practices.

We can authentically tell your story with focused, trackable attention-grabbing content creation. It’s best to be visible in the same digital spaces as your customers. We will help you stand out to them there.

We will help you communicate promptly to an audience actively looking for your services through careful targeting and good strategy.

Our Approach

At TLS, we believe that a comprehensive onboarding process is critical to your company’s success with SharpSpring. We don’t rush you through the process. We thoroughly explain each aspect that will help grow your business and speed up and fine tune your processes.
The full buy-in of your team is essential, and we help you see progress from the very first day. Understanding the power and functionality of your CRM, marketing and sales platform from the start is key. Everyone has examples of bad onboarding experiences. At TLS Digital Media, we aim to make this process as smooth, efficient and friendly as possible. We know that onboarding is crucial to a positive and successful experience with the platform.
Because of this, we offer full onboarding support to all of our customers. Our priority is ensuring your team is fully versed in the platform, so you can reap its benefits without losing out on the multitude of tools available to you.
All of the onboarding support we offer to our customers is customised to fit your company’s specific goals.
Get in touch with our team today to start your digital journey.